A Mainland company is a company registered in one of the UAE DED (Department of Economic Development). It means that if you choose to conduct business in UAE Mainland, you will need to register a business entity with the DED, which will then provide you a business license to start doing business in UAE.
任何以盈利為目的在居住國以外成立的法人實體都是離岸公司。此類公司通常在免稅天堂或離岸金融中心成立,也稱為國際商業公司 (IBC) 或非居民公司 (NRC)。作為非居民公司意味著股東不會獲得簽證,並且在阿聯酋沒有離岸公司的實體辦公室。此外,迪拜離岸公司未獲得營業執照,這意味著它們不能在阿聯酋開展製造、貿易或專業服務。他們通常是為了管理離岸財富、共同基金、物業、酒店等而成立的。他們只被授予公司註冊證書。
Foreign investors may start their business in a partnership where 51% ownership of the company belongs to UAE nationals or choose a Sole Establishment company formation to own 100% of shares. However, some business activities are reserved for UAE nationals only to know more about this please contact us..
Shareholders must fulfill the formation documents and processes, which is included the appointment of a manager by the Memorandum of Association (MOA) or Service Agreement, for a limited or an unlimited period. Mainland must appoint a minimum of one manager and up to a maximum of five managers for the business.